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Update on Fr. John Cabral and New Pastor for St. Helen's Parish

已发布 : Oct-01-2021

Dear parishioners of St. Helen's Church

For the past six months Fr. John Cabral has been on a medical leave granted by Cardinal Collins.  The aim, of course, was to give time for Fr. John's doctors to address his health issues.

Just recently, Fr. Cabral informed me that his health has not improved in a significant enough way for him to return to active ministry.  His primary doctor recommended that he request retirement in order to continue to take care of his ongoing health issues.  This was a hard recommendation for Fr. John to accept because of his love for his vocation as a priest and his love for his parishioners. Nevertheless, he petitioned Cardinal Collins for permission to retire, and His Emminence agreed that Fr. John would retire effective 1 October 2021.

I invite you to continue to offer your prayers for Fr. John.  He has already expressed to me his gratitude  for countless prayers he has received from parishioners and has asked me to communicate his gratitude to you.  Thank you for your ongoing care for him.

As difficult as this announcement is to make to the parish, at the same time, I am most pleased to announce that Fr. Willyans Rapozo has been appointed as the Pastor of St. Helen's Parish effective 1st October 2021.  I am most grateful to Fr. Willyans for the dedicated ministry he has already offered at St. Helen's for the past six months, and I am also most grateful to the Priests of the Sacred Heart, Fr. Willyan's religious congregation, for making this appointment possible.  

Portrait of Father Willyans

I ask the parishioners of St. Helen's to continue to offer your prayers and personal support for Fr. Willyans.

With prayers and all good wishes,

Bishop Robert Kasun CSB

Central Region Auxiliary Bishop

Archdiocese of Toronto

1 October 2021